Thursday, January 3, 2013


Jared and I have been reading a book, called Let it Go by Chris Williams.  The main plot of this store is about a family who got hit by a drunk driver.  Chris' pregnant wife and two of four children passed away instantly.

Before Chris was removed from the car, he decided that he forgave the teenager.  He could for sure feel the pain of losing his wife and children, but he understood that the Savior still loves the teenager, despite choices that were made.  

We are now about half way through this book.  It made me think about a few things.

A few weeks ago was the Newtown Connecticut shooting.  I know it was a horrible thing.  Jared was watching a couple different news shows.  One said that despite the tragedy, we needed to remember the shooter's family and they were experiencing a loss as well.  the other said that we needed to forget the shooter and his family because he was horrible.  I am not trying to defend the shooter.  However, Jesus Christ still loves the sinner.

In 2006, Charles Roberts entered a one-room schoolhouse in Amish country.  He let all of the boys leave and then shot 10 girls.  Immediately, the community said that they must not speak evil of the man.  He still have a family that was left behind.  When I was in high school and was inspired by how willing they were to forgive.

Seeing these stories, who in our lives do in our lives do we need to forgive.  We may not have super trying experiences, but we still hold grudges against loved ones.  We need to learn how to forgive and to bring peace into our lives.  Our Savior, Jesus Christ asks that we forgive.  It is not our place to determine whether or not they deserve the forgiveness from our Father in Heaven.

PS.  These are my thoughts and opinions, and are not to be forced on anyone else.

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